Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Social Change

Launch or develop your own enterprise for social good

Professional development through the

University for Peace - an institution established by the

UN General Assembly

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Social Change

Launch or develop your own enterprise for social good

Professional development through the

University for Peace - an institution established by the

UN General Assembly

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I want to know more!
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TBD February, 2025

6-week online course

A certificate from the University for Peace, established by the UN General Assembly


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An understanding of how to channel your unique strengths into your venture.

The knowledge and skills necessary to lead a sustainable venture with profound impact.

A reviewed social business plan, ready to put into action.

Close communication with your course facilitator to gain crucial, personalized feedback.

Deep relationships with a tight-knit, international network of alumni.

A certificate from the Centre for Executive Education within the United Nations established University for Peace.

This course is designed with a flexible schedule to accommodate working professionals and includes personalized feedback from your instructor.

This course is designed with a flexible schedule to accommodate working professionals and includes personalized feedback from your instructor.

Flexible schedule and compelling content

With an average of 4-8 hours of work per week, this online course is made for your busy schedule. It includes videos, live webinars, articles, and forums for discussions.

week 01 Understanding the Landscape: Who are Social Entrepreneurs?

week 02 Mission, Vision and Legal Status

week 03 Developing a Business Plan: Clarifying Strategy and Structure

week 04 Measuring Impact and Evaluation

week 05 Scaling your Social Enterprise

week 06 Sustaining Positive Change: Leading the Social Enterprise

We offer flexible payment plans should it be helpful. Get in touch!

The course cost is


Enroll with a friend a receive a 10% discount!

The facts

The facts

95% of participants found the course inspiring

89% of participants would recommend this course to a friend

92.3% of participants love the online learning platform

90% of participants have returned to participate in another course

Meet the Facilitator!

Shelley Bragg is the co-founder and Marketing and Development Lead for The Centre of GOOD Travel, a New Zealand-based social enterprise focused on transforming travel for a thriving world. For two decades, Shelley led marketing, communications, and business development teams in education, tourism, and the non-profit sector and more recently started sustainability consulting for businesses across various sectors. Shelley is motivated to support purpose-led organizations that are committed to more sustainable futures. Shelley is also the Asia Tour Manager for the Kliptown Youth Program in Johannesburg, South Africa, served on the Board of Directors for the South African Thai Chamber of Commerce, and has founded several different organizations. She recently completed her Masters in Philosophy in Sustainable Development, with a focus on value creation beyond profit within Sustainable and Regenerative Business Models. She is currently based in Cape Town, South Africa, but has had the privilege of calling many different countries “home”.

Shelley Bragg is the co-founder and Marketing and Development Lead for The Centre of GOOD Travel, a New Zealand-based social enterprise focused on transforming travel for a thriving world. For two decades, Shelley led marketing, communications, and business development teams in education, tourism, and the non-profit sector and more recently started sustainability consulting for businesses across various sectors. Shelley is motivated to support purpose-led organizations that are committed to more sustainable futures. Shelley is also the Asia Tour Manager for the Kliptown Youth Program in Johannesburg, South Africa, served on the Board of Directors for the South African Thai Chamber of Commerce, and has founded several different organizations. She recently completed her Masters in Philosophy in Sustainable Development, with a focus on value creation beyond profit within Sustainable and Regenerative Business Models. She is currently based in Cape Town, South Africa, but has had the privilege of calling many different countries “home”.

The University for Peace, an institution established by the UN General Assembly

The world looks to the United Nations for solutions to complex problems everywhere; from ending conflict and alleviating poverty, to combating climate change and defending human rights. As a UN-established institution, the University for Peace works tirelessly to contribute to world peace and progress. Our professional development programs give you the skills to have positive impact on this world, contributing directly to this mission.

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