The University for Peace (UPEACE) was established in December 1980 as a Treaty Organization by the United Nations General Assembly. UPEACE is only university in the United Nations system authorized to offer academic degrees in the field of peace and conflict studies.

Located in Costa Rica, within the University for Peace, the UPEACE Centre for Executive Education was launched to deliver dynamic workshops, seminars and training courses.

Course dates:

Wednesday, March 18th  – Friday, March 20th; 9am-3:30pm

Contact information:

  • Centre for Executive Education:
  • Costa Rica’s country code is (506)
  • Julia Delafield’s cell phone: 8706-7288 (contact person)
  • The Centre’s line at UPEACE: 2205-9052

How to get to UPeace Campus

  • A bus, pictured here, will be available specifically for your course. It will depart from the hotel at 8:30am each morning and return back to the hotel at the conclusion of each day.

Logistical Information:

  • UPEACE will be coordinating airport pick-up and drop-off for all participants.   During the course, transportation to and from UPEACE will be provided.
  • Holiday Inn Express
    Telephone number: (506) 2205-2100
    Directions in Spanish for a cab driver: Santa Ana, Del Centro Empresarial Forum Dos, 150 Metros Sur y 50 Metros Oeste, San José, 10903 


Below are a number of short readings related to your course. Please feel free to browse them or begin reading before the class. You’ll also receive a printed reader with these and more when you arrive at UPEACE.

Course Facilitator

Facilitator Mohit Mukherjee

The course is facilitated by Mohit Mukherjee, an innovator in the learning and development area with a focus in global citizenship, innovation, and social entrepreneurship. He has over 20 years experience working in the field of education in K-12, Higher Ed. and non-formal education. He has also served as Vice President of Programs for Watson U, the first incubator leading to a degree for next generation social entrepreneurs. He did his undergraduate at Stanford University and M.Ed. Harvard University.

Open enrollment courses offered by the UPEACE Centre: Click here

Diploma in Global Leadership with the UPEACE Centre for Executive Education: Click here

Get to know the Centre Team: Click here

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