Dynamic & Engaging Professional Development Online
What is a ‘Live Virtual’ Workshop?
Turn on your webcam, This program is not a bunch of recorded videos – it’s quite the opposite. The ‘live virtual’ workshops will replicate face-to-face sessions, as if we were together in the same room. We will be dynamic, using break-out rooms, real-time polls, and interactive activities. Live virtual workshops focus on synchronous learning, so be sure you’re availble on the dates/times of the classes, and come ready to connect and learn together.
Check out this 2-minute video for a glimpse into the virtual workshop experience:
The following live, virtual workshops are scheduled as open-enrollment courses at UPEACE in the upcoming months:
Design Thinking
Positive Leadership
Organizational Happiness
Global Citizenship Education
Skills for Effective Negotiations
Building Effective Teams: Design for Success
We also have a wide variety of workshop offerings that can be organized on demand. They can be presented online in the live, virtual workshop for your home institution as a customized offering on dates that are convenient for you and your team.
Have a question? Contact us at , or visit our Frequently Asked Questions section.
A New Approach to “Webinars”
This program is not a bunch of recorded videos – it’s quite the opposite. The ‘live virtual’ workshops will replicate face-to-face sessions, as if we were together in the same room. Webcams are on; we use break-out rooms, real-time polls, and interactive activities. Enrollment for this program is limited to allow for networking and small-group work.