Global Education: Cultivating Innovation in the Classroom
UPEACE Campus in Costa Rica
TBD, 2022* Onsite courses are on hold due to COVID-19 until the Costa Rican government allows gatherings. Write us at if you want us to include you in the waiting list for a particular course.
The world is changing at an increasingly fast pace. Are you noticing that the way you communicate, find information, read, learn, and work has changed in the last few years? Now think about today’s students. Are our classrooms preparing them for all of these changes?
Facing these questions can be quite overwhelming. Global Education: Cultivating Innovation in the Classroom will give you the space and structure to design an intervention that responds to the central question: “What will be important for your students to know, value and be able to do in a future that’s hard to visualize?” This course will bring together innovative, educational leaders and practitioners from around the world who are committed to forging a new path forward for students.

This seminar integrates a combination of classroom time and workshops with targeted field visits that present themes from the classroom in real life situations. Lectures are offered on the campus of the University for Peace, with field trips around the greater San Jose area.
Enrollment is limited to 18 participants.
The Centre is happy to help participants arrange a pre- or post-course activity in Costa Rica. This could include Spanish language school, a visit to the beach or ziplining.
This professional development workshop will cover the following topic areas:
- Educating in a Changing World: Principles, concepts, frameworks and methodologies for educating in a fast-changing world;
- Pedagogies for the 21st Century: The most suitable teaching and learning strategies in an era where content is freely accessible, information overload is the norm, and ‘making things stick’ is an art;
- Design Thinking: Design thinking applied to specifically educators who are ready to implement their ideas and build innovative learning environments;
- Global Citizenship: Case studies, frameworks, and tools for participants to integrate the values of global citizenship, environmental consciousness, and social justice into future projects;
- Storytelling and pitching: As ‘edupreneurs’ and innovators in educational change, learn to communicate your story and connect with the hearts and minds of your audience.
By the end of this course, you will have:
- Personalized feedback from colleagues and course instructors on your specific career challenges and aspirations;
- The next step in your career path: a concrete plan in hand to implement an innovative project or program;
- A rejuvenated, positive outlook on the future of education that builds on inspiration gathered during the course;
- Knowledge of how to foster an environment of innovation and compassion;
- Deep relationships with a tight-knit network of alumni from the course who are committed to thinking about educating in the 21st Century.
Should you be interested, this course has been approved for 10 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) through the American Psychological Association (APA). The cost is $10 per credit.
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. TCSPP maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
TCSPP is approved to offer continuing education programs by the Board of Behavioral Sciences in the state of California.
Innovative educators at all levels – teachers, university professors, administrators and non-formal educators – are the primary target audience. However, anyone who considers himself or herself an ‘educator’ and who is interested in being an changemaker in the education world will benefit tremendously from this course.
This is a 3-day onsite course from TBD, 2022
$1250 tuition rate. A certificate is awarded upon completion by the Centre for Executive Education at the University for Peace, established by the General Assembly of the United Nations.
Enroll with someone else and each will receive a 10% discount.
Have a question? Contact us at , or visit our Frequently Asked Questions section.
Course Facilitators

The course is facilitated by Mohit Mukherjee, an innovator in the learning and development area with a focus in global citizenship, innovation, and social entrepreneurship. He has over 20 years experience working in the field of education in K-12, Higher Ed. and non-formal education. He has also served as Vice President of Programs for Watson U, the first incubator leading to a degree for next generation social entrepreneurs. He did his undergraduate at Stanford University and M.Ed. Harvard University.
*Plus additional guest speakers during the week!