January University Groups
For the UPEACE Centre, January was an exciting and busy month, as we hosted three universities: University of Wisconsin-Stout (UW-Stout), San Jose State University (SJSU) and Adelphi University (AU). Each university came with a different academic focus, but they all left with the same feeling of joy and enthusiasm for Costa Rica and UPEACE.
UW-Stout: They contacted the Centre in the fall expressing their interest for a course in organizational leadership. We quickly arranged a mix of field visits, guest speakers, and lectures from Mohit (Centre’s Director) and a professor that had travelled with them. They spent most of their time at the UPEACE Campus, and they got to experience the multicultural environment UPEACE is so proud of, as the Master students were returning from the holiday break, and were starting the UPEACE January Institute courses.
“UPEACE is a welcoming, beautiful campus that fosters diversity and leadership from a different aspect that makes you want to soak up as much knowledge as possible!” – Kym Ludwig
SJSU: A group of master students from the Department of Counselor Education came to the UPEACE Centre for an ‘Educational in Cross Cultural Counseling’ course. They came to UPEACE for a series of lectures, did some service learning in marginalized areas of San José (Costa Rica’s capital city) and then traveled to Monteverde where they visited other organizations known for the work they do in the community and education.
“My experience in Costa Rica has become a life-learning lesson that will allow me to grow as a counselor/educator. Thank you for making this trip a life-long learning experience.” – Carmina Salgado
AU: Adelphi University’s Levermore Global Scholars Program came for a course in Sustainable Society: Peace, Human Rights & Development in Costa Rica. Like the other universities, they got to experience UPEACE’s campus diversity by spending some days attending workshops by Mohit. They also visited organizations such as the Inter-American Human Rights Court, and spent their last days at Rancho Mastatal, an environmental learning and sustainable community.
“Visiting Costa Rica has been, by far, the most influential trip I have ever been on. I have learned so much and I am going to reevaluate how I live my life back in the States.” – Krissy Linacre
So what a great start for 2013! Not only did we get to meet some great people, but we are also got do what we are passionate about in the Centre, and make their educational experience abroad memorable. We have more universities to host this year, so keep an eye out for our newsletters, Facebook pictures and updates!
I say thank you to the University for Peace’s online program. From far away, we can follow the atmosphere of the University. My greetings to all.